Compassionate, guilt-free  infant feeding help

your breastfeeding bestie in sioux falls, sd

A portion of all proceeds goes to families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss.

I'm  obsessed  with helping you meet your breastfeeding  goals.

Breastfeeding is natural, but it isn’t always easy. We all know that breast milk has so many benefits for mom and baby, but nobody talks about how sometimes, it just plain sucks. I am here to help you find comfort and confidence in feeding your baby, your way. I use expert, evidenced-based methods to help breastfeeding be less of a chore and more joyful, from the first latch to weaning. And the best part? I come to you! Even Better? Booking a service means helping a mom in need.

Here's how I can help:

These are all reasons to call!

Nipple pain? Worried baby isn’t getting enough milk? Slow weight gain? Blisters on baby’s lips? Nipple shield use? Returning to work? Pumping output dropped? Clogged Ducts and mastitis? Introducing a bottle? Supplementing? Weaning? Relactation? Adopting and wanting to breastfeed? Or any other concerns when it comes to your baby and breastfeeding?

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“I cannot recommend Sarah enough! She is  the reason  I’m still successfully breastfeeding. All moms  need a Sarah! "

-Morgan + Ava

Ready to become breast  friends?