Happy  Moms.  Happy  Babies.


“I cannot recommend Sarah enough! She is  the reason  I’m still successfully breastfeeding. All moms  need a Sarah! "

-Morgan + Ava

"When my daughter was born I was bound and determined to breastfeed for 12 months. But I had no idea how difficult it would be. I followed all of the hospital lactation recommendations with mixed success. You’re supposed to be tired with a newborn, but not frustrated and defeated. A friend saw me struggling and recommended Sarah and I am forever grateful. In just one comprehensive visit she assessed my daughter’s needs and made specific recommendations to help me feed her. Furthermore she sent a comprehensive summary so I wouldn’t forget any of the valuable information from our consult! My daughter started gaining weight almost immediately and feedings went so much better!

I cannot thank her enough for her expertise and kind encouragement. I will never buy a baby shower gift again, only lactation consultations! Best gift for my daughter that I didn’t know I needed."

-ally + will

"When my oldest son was born, I didn't know anything about breastfeeding other than knowing that I wanted to do it. The nurses said he latched perfectly right away which was a relief to hear. Before I discharged, a lactation consultant came in my room for less than 5 minutes. She saw that my son latched well and was eating. Before leaving she asked if I had questions, I said no, and then she left. Being a first time mom, and new to breastfeeding, I had no idea what to ask. However, everyone was telling me that my son latched and was eating well, so I assumed we were good. Fast forward a few weeks... I began to notice a clogged duct beginning to form. It didn't hurt and I felt fine, but I had friends who developed mastitis so I was scared that it was happening to me now. I contacted Sarah who jumped right to action. She told me how to hold my baby to help remove the clog and then gave me tips and tricks to remove it myself if repositioning my baby didn't work. Sarah was so encouraging and knowledgeable. Being a mom of 5 herself, she knows what works and what doesn't and then adds up to date science to that mix. I know for a fact that I would've gotten mastitis if it weren't for Sarah's fast actions. I absolutely couldn't recommend her enough! She helped me breastfeed successfully for over a year before I stopped for my second pregnancy!"

“ [Sarah] knows what works  and what doesn't and then adds up to date  science  to that mix."

-Katie + Henry

"My cousin gifted me a session with Sarah for the birth of my second. I hadn't had the greatest experience with lactation consultants with my first. Sarah was the God-send I needed. She affirmed me and built my confidence in nursing and now am having a positive experience. She made the zoom call so normal and casual that it felt like you were talking to a friend you had known for years. Who knew someone could be so helpful over a zoom call!"

“Who knew someone could be so helpful over a  zoom call! "

Bereavement services

"I'm back to say that Sarah is a Godsend. After helping me successfully breastfeed my oldest son, I knew that I wanted to utilize her services for my second pregnancy. Little did we know that her work was cut out for her. My baby boy was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition late in pregnancy that caused him to die shortly after he was born. I had an emergency c section at 30 weeks. Sarah, also a grief doula, helped coordinate everything. She advocated for me and my family. Based on previous conversations, Sarah knew that I wanted to breastfeed, so she immediately informed the nurses prior to surgery and made sure a pump was available, even though I didn't get the opportunity to use it. The day after my son died, she was with me when staff kept asking if I wanted to pump to donate or not. She hugged me and cried with me. She supported me in every humanly way possible to help me get through this. Because of my grief, I couldn't find it in me to pump. Sarah kindly sent a box of tea and other supplies that would help my milk dry up. She also sent some flowy pajamas because I was in maternity gown with breastfeeding holes and I didn't have clothes that I could wear with a fresh c section. I cannot thank her enough for being there for me and my family on that bittersweet day, and for checking up on me after I left the hospital. Sarah treated my sweet boy with so much respect. She is an expert in her field and went above and beyond. I will forever be grateful for her and will recommend her to anyone who is expecting a baby."

“[Sarah]  supported me  in every humanly way possible to help me  get through this. "


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